What is Co-op Fortnight? Originally launched in 2010, Co-op Fortnight has gone from strength to strength. Co-op Fortnight is organised by Co-operatives UK and is then brought to life through events and sharing stories about the power of co‑operation via social media. This year Infinity Foods and every other co-operative in the UK will…
Biting Through

Spinach Dhal
Simple one-pot meal that celebrates the humble pea! A great source of vitamin A, C, Iron and protein! This recipe uses whole spices to give a deep rounded flavour, but be careful as they can spit in the hot oil! *pick out any hard bits and leave covered with a few inches of water for…

Celebrating our coop members
Worker co-operatives are like any other business. However, unlike conventional businesses its Members (workers) contribute equitably to and democratically control, the finances and everyday decisions of their co-operative. Members decide how to use surpluses (profits), ensuring their worker co-operative provides the pay and other benefits that members need and want, managing the business to…

Celebrating Our Coop Members
Worker co-operatives are like any other business. However, unlike conventional businesses its Members (workers) contribute equitably to and democratically control, the finances and everyday decisions of their co-operative. Members decide how to use surpluses (profits), ensuring their worker co-operative provides the pay and other benefits that members need and want, managing the business to…

Celebrating Our Coop Members
Workers co-operative are like any other business. However, unlike conventional businesses its Members (workers) contribute equitably to and democratically control, the capital and finances of their co-operative. Members decide how to use surpluses (profits). Worker co-operatives should provide the pay and other benefits that members need and want, managing the business to provide…