Biting Through



Veganuary, New Year resolutions & Promotions

2019 has been quoted as the ‘year of the vegan’. with sign-ups to Veganury higher than ever! In a VoucherCode survey, it has been predicted that over 2.66 million Brits are set to ditch meat and dairy in 2019. What better place to embrace the plant-based diet than in Brighton! Plant Based News says Brighton is the vegan capital…

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New products October 2017

October has brought us some great new products, so I’m going to give you a brief rundown on some of the most exciting ones.

vegan jackfruit taco recipe


Spicy Mexican Jackfruit Tacos

Jackfruit is the hottest new trend in the vegan world at the moment, mainly for its ability to mimic the texture of pulled pork, but without the saturated fat, acidity, calories and cruelty. This is our take on classic Mexican tacos made with this versatile fruit.